Thank you so much for joining us on this special evening, and supporting the families of fearlessHOPE!
FearlessHOPE believes in giving children love and hope in spite of all visual odds and challenges. By donating whatever you can, you are helping these children find love within their community and hope for their future.
Donating just a few dollars could grant a child in visual need a walking cane, braille books, or a Seeing Eye dog. Donating could further education, research, and help fearlessHOPE advocate for change to help relieve the financial burden of vision impairment.
Every penny goes towards helping a child in need; every penny renews hope.
Here we’ve included the monetary giving levels that cover the cost of a few medical objects and devices as an option for those who wish to donate in a very specific way. Each of these devices can make the lives of a blind or severely visually impaired child safer, easier and more hopeful. Click here to see where your donation could go.